
The forms of lemmata in use on this website are aligned with those used by the Old Irish Universal Dependencies treebanks. Their forms may be altered in future updates in order to maintain consistency between these resources. Where possible, lemmata are also linked to discrete entries in eDIL using the system of unique identifiers employed by that lexicon.

Word separation on this website follows the tokenisation practices of Universal Dependencies treebanks for Old Irish. This is intended to provide consistent word separation across the corpus while maintaining the spelling of the original diplomatic edition. As a result of this, however, word forms appearing in this lexicon may not appear similar to equivalents in other Old Irish databases or dictionaries.

Currently, the lexicon is incomplete. Annotation of the corpus is ongoing, and as tokenisation and part-of-speech tagging of the glosses continues, the contents of the lexicon will be expanded. A future update to the website is also planned which will allow more detailed morphological information to be displayed for lexicon entries.